ASCII was originally created as a standard for sending text over phone lines, and first used with teleprinters back in 1963. It consists of 128 characters (7 bit).
Every ASCII character has an equivalent number, often used in programming languages such as Python.
The first 32 ASCII characters (0-31) and 127 (DEL) are actually commands historically used to control the teleprinter, such as the well known carriage return (13) and line feed (10). For this reason they are referred to as control characters, control codes or non printable characters.
The remainder of the 128 ASCII characters are the visible / printable characters most people would equate to plain text. These printable characters are often referred to as the ASCII Standard Character Set and include upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and basic punctuation.
In the early days of computing before graphics advanced, these printable characters were used in volume to create and send pictures called ASCII Art.
Below is the same table with octal, binary, HTML entities and descriptions added. HTML entities are friendly names that are easier to remember than the ASCII code.
来源:ASCII Table - ASCII Character Codes, HTML, Octal, Hex, Decimal
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